void | addCustomBand (int8_t bandIdx, uint32_t bottomFrequency, uint32_t topFrequency, uint8_t space) |
| Add a custom band in the list of custom bands.
void | audioMute (uint8_t value) |
| Mutes the audio output.
void | bassTrebleDown () |
| Less treble, more bass.
void | bassTrebleUp () |
| More treble, less bass.
void | changeVolume (char) |
| Up or down the sound volume level.
void | convertToChar (uint32_t value, char *strValue, uint8_t len, uint8_t dot, uint8_t separator, bool remove_leading_zeros=true) |
| Converts a number to a char array.
void | debugDevice (uint16_t resetPin, uint16_t interruptPin, uint8_t defaultBand, void(*showFunc)(char *msg)) |
| Used to debug
bool | detectDevice () |
| Checks communication with SI4844 via I2C.
BandNode * | findCustomBand (int8_t bandIdx) |
| Find a custom band in the list of custom bands.
si4844_status_response * | getAllReceiverInfo (void) |
| Gets all current information of the receiver (tune freq, band, and others information, status of the device).
char * | getBandMode () |
| Get the Band Mode.
uint8_t | getBassTreble () |
void | getCommandResponse (int response_size, uint8_t *response) |
| Returns with the command response.
uint8_t | getCurrentBand () |
| Gets the latest band set by the microcontroller.
bool | getDataStatusInterruptFromDevice () |
| Get the Data Status From Device.
si4844_firmware_response * | getFirmware (void) |
| Get part number, chip revision, firmware, patch, and component revision numbers.
uint16_t | getFirmwareChipRevision () |
uint16_t | getFirmwareComponentMajorRevision () |
uint16_t | getFirmwareComponentMinorRevision () |
uint16_t | getFirmwareCTS () |
uint16_t | getFirmwareErr () |
uint16_t | getFirmwareMajorRevision () |
uint16_t | getFirmwareMinorRevision () |
uint16_t | getFirmwarePartNumber () |
uint16_t | getFirmwareReserved () |
char * | getFormattedFrequency (uint8_t removeRightDigit=0, uint8_t thousandsSeparator=',') |
| Gets Formatted Frequency.
float | getFrequency (void) |
| Get the current frequency of the radio in KHz.
uint32_t | getFrequencyInteger (void) |
| Get the current frequency of the radio in KHz in uint32_t (long integer) .
uint16_t | getProperty (uint16_t propertyNumber) |
| Gets a given property from the SI4844.
uint16_t | getRawChannelFrequency () |
| Gets the Channel Frequency.
si4844_device_status * | getStatus () |
| Gets current status of the device.
uint16_t | getStatusBandIndex () |
| Gets the current Band Index Detected.
uint16_t | getStatusBandMode () |
| Gets the current Band Mode.
uint16_t | getStatusBCFG0 () |
| Gets Band CFG0 (Band Detection Configuration).
uint16_t | getStatusBCFG1 () |
| Gets Band CFG1 (Band Properties Priority)
uint16_t | getStatusCTS () |
uint16_t | getStatusInformationReady () |
| Gets Information Ready.
uint16_t | getStatusStationIndicator () |
| Gets Station Indicator.
uint16_t | getStatusStereo () |
| Gets Stereo indicator.
char * | getStereoIndicator () |
| Get the Stereo Indicator.
int8_t | getValidBandIndex () |
| Retrieves the current valid BAND INDEX.
uint8_t | getVolume () |
| Gets the current audio volume level.
uint8_t | getVolumeProperty () |
| Gets the current volume value stored in SI4844 device.
bool | hasBandChanged (void) |
| Checks whether the current band detected by the device changed.
bool | hasStatusChanged (void) |
| Checks whether the SI4844 has its status changed.
bool | isHostDetectionBandConfig () |
| Band CFG0 (Band Detection Configuration)
bool | needHostPowerUp () |
| Checks Host Power Up Status.
bool | needHostReset () |
| Checks HOST Reset Status
void | powerDown (void) |
| Power the device down.
void | powerUp (void) |
| Power the device up.
void | removeCustomBand (int8_t bandIdx) |
| Remove a custom band in the list of custom bands.
void | reset (void) |
| Resets the SI4844 device.
void | resetStatus (void) |
| set the interrupr status to false. It will turn true after next interrupr
uint8_t | scanI2CBus (uint8_t *device, uint8_t limit) |
| Scans the I2C bus and returns the addresses of the devices found.
void | sendCommand (uint8_t cmd, int parameter_size, const uint8_t *parameter) |
| Sends a given command to the SI4844 device.
void | setAmSoftMuteMaxAttenuation (uint8_t value) |
| Sets AM Soft Mute Max Attenuation..
void | setAmSoftMuteRate (uint8_t value) |
| Sets the attack and decay rates when entering or leaving soft mute.
void | setAmSoftMuteSlope (uint8_t value) |
| Configures attenuation slope during soft mute in dB attenuation per dB SNR below the soft mute SNR threshold.
void | setAmSoftMuteSnrThreshold (uint8_t value) |
| Sets the SNR threshold to engage soft mute.
si4844_audiomode_status_response | setAudioMode (uint8_t audiomode, uint8_t fm_mono, uint8_t adjpt_attn, uint8_t adjpt_steo, uint8_t opcode) |
| Set audio mode.
void | setAudioMute (bool on) |
| Mutes the audio output.
void | setBand (uint8_t newBand=0) |
| Sets a new band to the device.
void | setBandSlideSwitch () |
| Sets a new band to the device configured as Slide Switch.
void | setBassTreble (uint8_t bass_treble) |
| Set the sound volume level, bass and treble.
void | setBlendThresholdStereoIndicator (uint16_t value) |
| Sets the blend threshold for stereo indicator.
void | setCrystalOscillatorEnable (uint8_t XOSCEN) |
| Sets Crystal Oscillator Enable.
void | setCrystalOscillatorStabilizationWaitTime (uint8_t XOWAIT) |
| Sets Crystal Oscillator Stabilization Wait Time After Reset.
void | setCustomBand (uint8_t bandIndex, uint16_t botton, uint16_t top, uint8_t bandSpace, uint8_t dfband=0, uint8_t uni_am=0, uint8_t tvreq=0) |
| This method allows you to customize the frequency range of a band.
void | setDefaultBandIndx (uint8_t bandidx) |
void | setFmDeemphasis (uint8_t value) |
| Sets de-emphasis time constant.
void | setFmSoftMuteMaxAttenuation (uint8_t value) |
| FM Soft Mute Maximum Attenuation.
void | setFmSoftMuteRate (uint8_t value) |
| Sets the attack and decay rates when entering and leaving soft mute.
void | setFmSoftMuteSlope (uint8_t value) |
| Configures attenuation slope during soft mute in dB attenuation per dB SNR below the soft mute SNR threshold.
void | setInterruptPin (int interruptPin) |
| Sets the MCU Interrupt pin.
void | setProperty (uint16_t propertyNumber, uint16_t parameter) |
| Sends (sets) property to the SI48XX.
void | setReferenceClockFrequency (uint16_t value) |
| Sets the frequency of the REFCLK from the output of the prescaler.
void | setReferenceClockPrescaler (uint16_t value) |
| Sets the number used by the prescaler to divide the external reference clock frequency down to the internal REFCLK.
void | setResetPin (uint16_t resetPin) |
| Sets the MCU RESET pin.
void | setStatusInterruptFromDevice (bool value) |
| Set the Data Status From Device.
void | setup (uint16_t resetPin, int interruptPin, int8_t defaultBand=0, uint32_t hightClockSpeed=50000) |
| Initiates the SI4844 instance and connect the device (SI4844) to Arduino.
void | setupSlideSwitch (uint16_t resetPin, int interruptPin, uint32_t hightClockSpeed=50000) |
| Initiates the SI48XX instance and connect the device (SI4844) to a microcontroller.
void | setVolume (byte) |
| Sets the volume level.
void | volumeDown (void) |
| Decreases the volume level.
void | volumeUp (void) |
| Increases the volume level.
SI4844 Class.
This class implements all functions to help you to control the Si4844 devices.